Well it’s April and it’s been a pretty busy month. To start with my office has moved from the crappy old building we were in at 120 Broadway to Goldman’s spiffy new building on the shore of the Hudson. I did ok in the move and have an excellent view of downtown Manhattan. A few days ago the Queen Mary went by, it was quite a sight. When it came into the harbour it was surrounded by fireboats spraying water and there were helicopters buzzing around everywhere.
On easter, Mom and Dad came down for a visit and as usual I had to keep Dad busy with projects so he wouldn’t get bored. This time we put up a basket ball net for the kids, it was a very big job involving lots of digging and pouring of cement. Otherwise it’s been pretty quiet for the rest of the month except that Barb has been on a big painting spree and of course I end up doing most of the work. Spring is in full bloom and we are busy in the garden replacing all the things that died over the very cold winter.